[Cholesterol metabolism in patients with ischemic heart disease with varying supplies of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids].

: Patients with ischemic heart disease and with hyperlipidemia of the IIa, IIb and IV types as well as not exhibiting any pronounced alterations in cholesterol metabolism were treated with various amounts of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) introduced into the basic antiatherosclerotic diet: 1 group--content of the essential factor 0.2 g/day, 2 group--increased content of natural products with PUFA up to 1 g/day, 3 group--increased PUFA content due to the drug "euconol" 5 g/day. Administration of the PUFA omega-3 into the basic antiatherosclerotic diet contributed to development of adequate clinico-biochemical alterations; under these conditions content of alpha-cholesterol in blood correlated directly to concentration of polyunsaturated cholesterol esters and PUFA omega-3 (eicosapentaenate and docosahexaenate) as well as reverse correlation was found between content of total cholesterol and these molecular forms of cholesterol esters studied. Enrichment of the diet with PUFA omega-3 did not cause any alterations in content of primary bile acids in blood thus suggesting that PUFA omega-3 did not affect the cholesterol catabolism. These data enabled us to plot the graph for individual evaluation of cholesterol metabolism in patients with ischemic heart disease involving alterations in the spectrum of esterified cholesterols in blood before and after the treatment course.
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