Determination of237Np in large volume samples of sea water by a radiochemical procedure

A radiochemical procedure followed by alpha spectrometry has been developed for the determination of237Np present at low activity concentrations in seawater. The analytical procedure is based on concentration of actinides from 1800 1 sea water samples by hydroxide precipitations. Neptunium is isolated by ion exchange, fluoride precipitation and extraction with TTA (thenoyltrifluoroacetone). As a radiochemical yield determinant239Np or235Np is used. Neptunium is electroplated onto stainless steel discs before alpha-spectrometry for about 10 days. The procedure allows for sequential separation of plutonium, americium, technetium and radiocaesium together with neptunium. The radiochemical yield for neptunium is only 20–50%, but the procedure has been applied with success on several samples contaminated with237Np at fallout or close to fallout levels.
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