Разработка технологии создания пьезоэлектрических иммуно-сенсоров для детекции возбудителей особо опасных инфекций

Technologies of the immunochemical analysis for definition of anti-genes and antibodies are the important direction of diagnostics of infectious process and specific indication of pathogenic agents in objects of environment, foodstuff, etc. Most often for these purposes immunofluorescent and immunofermental methods are used. Now for the solution of an actual problem of specific indication of microorganisms the analytical devices, allowing to receive information on interactions of antibodies and anti-genes in the form of electric signals, with different use of biological sensors find application.The technology of creation piezoelectric immunosensor (PI) for the detection of dangerous infectious diseases agents (Yersinia pestis, Fransisella tularensis) have been developed. The sensitivity of PI test for detection of plague and tularemia microorganisms was showed as 1×103–1×104 cell/ml, respectively, with no criss-crossed reaction with the cells of heterologic strains, the time duration of the test 15–20 minute.
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