How will the new alcohol legislation affect the advertising/sales within Ireland?

Alcohol has always been a hot topic for debate. Many countries have tried to control the level of consumption amongst the population. The main focus being on the health and repercussions alcohol may cause to the general public. Alcohol providers have always argued their innocence within the market, how they don’t target the younger audience and how they believe their advertisings won’t affect the overall consumption within the country. The intention of this study is to concentrate on the new alcohol legislation that is being introduced into Ireland in the near future. The research question is “How will the new alcohol legislation affect the advertising/sales within Ireland?” This question is to focus on how the alcohol legislation that will primarily target advertising of any alcohol, whether it is beer, wine or spirits. Alcohol advertisement creates a large share of investment within the Irish advertising market, but it also has the potential to cause major health problems amongst the population, particularly if it is being aimed at the younger population. The main objective of the research is to investigate how the new alcohol legislation will affect the sales of alcohol within Ireland. The best way to comprehend how it may affect sales is to measure the compensation of alcohol within the country. One major assumption I personally had at the beginning of this study was that companies won’t lose out on any money and may also find other means of marketing and advertising their products. To get a full grasp on how consumption may be affected, the thought behind this research will be to concentrate on other countries that have implemented alcohol bans and policies, by doing so I will be able to possible deduce how the alcohol legislation may affect the alcohol sales and the consumption. By focusing on other countries it will be possible to get a grasp as to how economic structure, demographic and culture may counteract the legislation. Particular studies and countries that have implemented full bans, partial bans and the effects it has had on the population. Various types of countries and different cultures will be investigated to understand how an alcohol ban could affect sales and consumption. Different methods of gathering data for consumption will be a major focus within this study. By using other peers previous work I will hopefully be able to gain some knowledge or an estimation as to how the alcohol legislation may affect sales and consumption of alcohol within Ireland.
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