Interaction of AM Fungi (Gloumus intraradices) and vermicompost and their changes on biochemical content of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Var. VRIGn-7

Vermicompost (VC) was obtained from Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Regional Research Station of Tamil Nadu, Agricultural University, Aduthurai, Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu. It was ensured that the procured vermicompost was in every way identical to that produced by the farmers in villages. The present research work carried out the interaction of Gloumus intraradices and vermicompost on the biochemical changes on Arachis hypogaea L. different rates of VC and AM fungi (Gloumus intraradices) application like viz.,T1-Control, T2-AMF only, T3-1 tonne ha -1 vermicompost (VC), T4 1 tonne ha -1 VC + AMF inoculation T5-2 tonnes ha -1 VC,T6-2 tonnes ha -1 VC + AMF inoculation,T7-3 tonnes ha -1 VC,T8-3 tonnes ha -1 VC + AMF inoculation,T9-4 tonnes ha -1 VC, T10-4 tonnes ha -1 VC + AMF inoculation, T11-5 tonnes ha -1 VC, T12-5 tonnes ha -1 VC + AMF inoculation. The vermicompost were incorporated in to the top 15 cm of soil supplemented with 500 g of AM fungi culture mixed with sand with all plots. All treatments were replicated with three times in a split plots methods. To evaluate their changes in biochemical content of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Var.VRIGn-75 tonnes ha -1 VC + AMF application increased the
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