ARTYKUŁY GEOTURYSTYCZNE Geopark „Beskid Śląsko-Morawsko-Żywiecki” – najstarsze utwory Karpat fliszowych

"Silesian-Moravian-Żywiec Beskid" Geopark – the oldest deposits of the Flysch Carpathians. A b s t r a c t: The oldest flysch deposits are the leading theme of the planned "Silesian-Moravian-Żywiec Beskid" Geopark. The geopark is located in the area of Beskid Śląski Mts. and Beskid Żywiecki Mts. in the territory of Poland. This is a region of the occurrence of a number of tectonic units of the Outer Carpathians, including Pieniny Klippen Belt, Magura Nappe (with Krynica, Bystrica, Raca and Siary tectonic- facies zones), Fore-Magura Unit, Silesian Nappe and Subsilesian Nappe. Geodiversity of this area is defined by well-exposed sections of rocks. They were the sites of classical geological work in the 19 th century. Within the geopark boundaries, there are the type localities of the following tectonic units: Silesian Nappe, Fore-Magura, Bystrica and Raca units, as well as Jaworzynka, Bystrica, Vyhylovka, Vendryni and Cieszyn Limestone formations, Malinowska Skala Conglomerate, Mutne Sandstone, and Cisownica Shale members. Landslides, attractive geomorphologic landforms (e.g., highest peaks of the Beskidy Mts., providing magnificent views), waterfalls, diversified river valleys, tors, caves as well as places associated with the history and tradition of this region represent geotouristic attractions with a high potential. They will be included in the network of geosites protected within the planned geopark. Analysis of the geopark area indicates a high degree of variability of natural values, especially its geodiversity and richness of the historical-cultural heritage. The preservation and protection methods are also diversified. This region represents unique geoenvironmental and historical values on the European scale, therefore offering good chances for establishment of geopark. The documentation of geosites has already been gathered at this stage of work. The information requires only updating, minor additions and construction of a unified database. The evaluation of the current touristic infrastructure have also brought very positive results; the area is frequented by millions of tourists from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and other countries.
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