A surgical model for studying biliary excretion of drugs in the awake micropig yucatan.

: The pig is probably one of the best mammalian models for studying the digestive functions and the biliary excretion of drugs because of the tight similarities with humans. Insertion of a T drain in the common bile duct after cholecystectomy in humans became uncommon because of surgical progress. For this reason, we developed a model using a bidirectional cannula to study the biliary secretion in the conscious Micropig Yucatan. We used this breed because of their ready availability and low stable weight. The surgical procedure was a double choledococholedocal fistula with a bypass on the main biliary duct, maintaining the continuous flow of bile into the duodenum through the sphincter of Oddi. This fistula remained effective for at least sixty days with normal hepatic biologic parameters. The development of our model could improve the biliary excretion study of drugs. Comparison of different routes of administration and interaction pharmacokinetic studies could also be studied in the same micropig, eliminating intersubject variations.
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