Inwestowanie zrównoważone w zarządzaniu portfelem inwestycyjnym

Sustainable investing consists in building an investment portfolio by selecting companies - issuers of investment assets, whose conduct is seen as responsible (ethical) and contributes to the building up of the so called social good. Sustainable investment has already exceeded 25% of the value of all global investment assets and the biggest assets in Europe are already managed in accordance with this ap- proach. An investor may face difficulties in assessing whether the incorporation of a sustainable in- vestment criterion into an investment fund's Statutes is just a marketing gimmick or a genuinely vital component of the investment policy. This paper aims at demonstrating the importance and impact of sustainable investing on investment portfolio management. Over 90% of studies focused on socially responsible investment did not reveal any negative impact of ESG criteria (investing that respects environmental, social, and governance criteria) on the financial performance of companies. On the contrary, implementing ESG criteria to business practice, devel- oping responsible investment policies and publishing reports on corporate performance bring con- crete financial benefits to companies. Thus, sustainable investment market is necessary and it is highly likely that it will continue to develop dynamically. Major initiatives in sustainable investing in Poland include the creation of the RESPECT Index, a study on ESG criteria carried out by the Polish Association of Listed Companies [Stowarzyszenie Emitentow Gieldowych] and the adoption of Non-financial Information Statement.
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