Bat pollination of kapok tree, Ceiba pentandra

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 88, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2005 1679 *For correspondence. (e -mail: ) 18. McDonalds, N. A., Swift, A. E., Przybyla, A. E. and Chrewin, J. M., Isolation of RNA using vanadinium salts. Methods Enzymol., 1987, 152 , 219 –227. 19. Maizel Jr., J. V., Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of viral pro-teins. Methods V irol ., 1971, 5, 179 –246. 20. Renart, J. and Sandoval, I. V., Western blots. Methods Enzymol ., 1984, 104 , 455 –460. 21. Fuchs, M., Provvidenti, R., Slighton, J. L. and Gonsalves, D., Evaluation of transgenic tomato plants expressing the coat protein gene of cucumber mosaic virus s train WL under field conditions. Plant Dis. , 1996, 80 , 270 –275. 22. Tomassoli, L., Ilardi, V., Barba, M. and Kaniewski, W., Resis-tance of transgenic tomato to cucumber mosaic cucumovirus under field conditions. Mol. Breed ., 1999, 5, 121 –130. 23. Zhuk, I. P. and Rassokha, S. N., Regeneration and selection of somatic clones of tomato for resistance to TMV. Rossiiskoi Akad. Sel’skokhozyaistvennykh Nauk , 1992, 11/12 , 18 –21. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank the Department of Biotechno-logy, New Delhi for funding; the Director, Lucknow, NBRI for facil i-ties and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi for fellowship to R.S. We also thank Prof. B. D. Harrison and Prof. M. Taliansky (S.C.R.I, Dundee, UK) for polyclonal (ACMV) ant ibodies and pROK2 vector as gif t to S.K.R. and Dr Vipin Hallan for DNA -A clone of TLCV. Received 9 July 2004; revised accepted 7 February 2005
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