Alkylation of 2'-deoxynucleosides and DNA by the premarin metabolite 4- hydroxyequilenin semiquinone radical

Premarin (Wyeth-Ayerst) is the estrogen replacement treatment of choice and continues to be one of the most widely dispensed prescriptions in the United States. In addition to endogenous estrogens, Premarin contains unsaturated estrogens including equilenin. We synthesized the catechol metabolite of equilenin, 4-hydroxyequilenin (4-OHEN), and found that the semiquinone radical of 4-OHEN reacted with 2‘-deoxynucleosides generating very unusual adducts. 2‘-Deoxyguanosine (dG), 2‘-deoxyadenosine (dA), or 2‘-deoxycytosine (dC) all gave four isomers, but no product was observed for thymidine under similar physiological conditions. The structures of these adducts were determined by electrospray mass spectrometry and NMR experiments including 1H, 13C, DQF-COSY, ROESY, HOHAHA, HMQC, and HMBC. The spectral data show that dG forms a cyclic adduct with the 4-OHEN producing 2-N1,3-N2-deoxyguanosyl-1,3-dihydroxy-5,7,9(10)-estratriene-4,17-dione. Similarly, reaction with dA produced 1-N6,3-C2-deoxyadenosyl-2,3-dihydrox...
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