Effect of feeding water washed neem (Azadirachta indica) seed cake and salt sprinkled neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves on growth performanceand nutrient digestibility in Osmanabadi kids

Twenty four Osmanabadi weaned male kids with average live weight of 10.80 kg were divided into four equal groups and fed with WWNSC and salt sprinkled neem leaves for 182 days to study the effect on growth performance and nutrient digestibility. The daily gain in body weight was significantly (Pis less than 0.05) higher in kids fed with salt sprinkled neem leaves individually than kids fed with WWNSC individually and in combination with salt sprinkled neem leaves. The DM, DCP and TDN intake in terms of per cent live body weight was significantly (Pis less than 0.05) higher in kids fed with salt sprinkled neem leaves individually than kids fed with WWNSC individually. Moreover, digestibility (%) of DM, CF and NFE was significantly (P is less than 0.05) higher in kids fed with salt sprinkled neem leaves individually over kids fed with WWNSC individually except CP which was comparable in all treatments groups.
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