Principles for a Judgement Editor Based on BDD

We describe the theoretical principles that underlie the design of a software tool which could be used by judges for writing judgements and for making decisions about litigations. The tool is based on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD), which are graphical representations of truth-valued functions associated to propositional formulas. Given a specific litigation, the tool asks questions to the judge; each question is represented by a propositional atom. Their answers, true or false, allow to evaluate the truth value of the formula which encodes the overall recommendation of the software about the litigation. Our approach combines some sort of 'theoretical' or 'legal' reasoning dealing with the core of the litigation itself together with some sort of 'procedural' reasoning dealing with the protocol that has to be followed by the judge during the trial: some questions or group of questions must necessarily be examined and sometimes in a specific order. That is why we consider extensions of BDD called Multi-BDD. They are BDD with multiple entries corresponding to the different specific issues that must necessarily be addressed by the judge during the trial. We illustrate our ideas on a case study dealing with French union trade elections, an example that has been used throughout a project with the French Cour de cassation.
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