The development of the cestode fauna in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in a newly formed surface mine residual water

Helminthofaunistical studies on rainbow trout, wild fish and zooplankton organisms of a recently emerged rest waters from an open-cast mine have been made continuously in the period from 1980 till 1990. Three years after the beginning of the trout production larval triaenophorosis appeared as the first cestodosis. In the subsequent time changes of the cestode fauna of rainbow trout kept in net-cages could already be observed within a few years. Possible causes for the replacement of Eubothrium crassum by Proteocephalus neglectus are discussed. Since 1985 proteocephalosis is the dominating helminthosis in the stock of trout. Changes in the population dynamics of cestodes of the genus Proteocephalus are traced back to a multitude of complexly functioning ecological and anthropogenic regulation mechanisms in all links of the life-cycle.
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