Az Aoj Nemzeti ErdA‘stratA©giAiban megfogalmazott erdA‘telepAtA©si elA‘irAinyzatok sikere alapvetA‘en a fA¶ldtulajdonosok dA¶ntA©seitA‘l fA¼gg, mivel Aoj erdA‘k gyakorlati-lag csak a jelenlegi mezA‘gazdasAigi mA±velA©si Aigba sorolt magAintulajdonban lA©vA‘ fA¶ldterA¼leteken telepAthetA‘k. VizsgAilatunk alapjAin megAillapAthatA³, hogy Nyugat-DunAintAolon azoknak a gazdAiknak a kA¶rA©ben, akik – a nA¶vA©nytermesztA©s A©s az Ail-lattenyA©sztA©s mellett – mAir ma is rendelkeznek erdA‘terA¼letekkel, viszonylag so-kan lennA©nek hajlandA³ak Aojabb erdA‘ket telepAteni gyenge minA‘sA©gA± szAintA³- A©s gyepterA¼leteiken. VA©gsA‘ elhatAirozAisukat azonban a tAimogatAisok alakulAisAitA³l te-szik fA¼ggA‘vA©. Azt vAirjAik, hogy a telepAtA©s kA¶ltsA©geinek normatAv tAimogatAisAin felA¼l rA©szesA¼ljenek abbA³l az EurA³pai UniA³ban szokAisos tAimogatAisbA³l is, amely az erdA‘vel betelepAtett terA¼letek tA¶bb A©vtizedig elmaradA³ jA¶vedelmA©t pA³tolja. Mivel az A‘shonos fafajok telepAtA©sei a vadkAirokkal szemben jA³val A©rzA©kenyebbek, arAi-nyuk a programban elA‘irAinyzott mA©rtA©kig csak akkor lesz nA¶velhetA‘, ha a kAirel-hAirAtAis nagy kA¶ltsA©gei tovAibbra is megkA¼lA¶nbA¶ztetett tAimogatAisi cA©lkA©nt szere-pelnek. A tAimogatAisi rendszer kA¶rA¼ltekintA‘ alakAtAisa tehAit egyre fontosabb, ma mAir szinte egyedA¼li eszkA¶ze az ErdA‘stratA©gia cA©ljai megvalA³sAtAisAinak. A gyenge minA‘sA©gA± szAintA³- A©s gyepterA¼letek erdA‘sAtA©se szA¼ksA©gszerA±en felveti a mezA‘- A©s erdA‘gazdAilkodAis egy vAillalaton belA¼li tAirsAtAisAinak kA©rdA©seit. FelmA©-rA©sA¼nk eredmA©nyei azt mutatjAik, hogy az erdA‘k telepAtA©si A©s mA±velA©si technolA³-giAijAinak megvAiltozAisa, speciAilis eszkA¶zszA¼ksA©glete kA¶vetkeztA©ben napjainkban mAir alig A©rvA©nyesA¼l az erdA‘gazdAilkodAisnak a nA¶vA©nytermelA©s idA©nyszerA± mun-kaerA‘-felhasznAilAisAit kiegyenlAtA‘ hatAisa. TovAibbi vizsgAilatok lennA©nek szA¼ksA©ge-sek azonban ahhoz, hogy a modern, termA©szetkA¶zeli erdA‘gazdAilkodAisban (pA©l-dAiul a szAilalAisos erdA‘mA±velA©sben) milyen lehetA‘sA©gek rejlenek a mezA‘gazdasAigi vAillalatok erA‘forrAisainak jobb kihasznAilAisAira, bevA©teli forrAisainak bA‘vAtA©sA©re (erdei haszonvA©telek, falusi turizmus stb.). The targets for forest plantation in the new National Forests Strategy depend fundamentally on the decisions of private landowners, because new forests can only be planted on private land presently classed for agricultural cultivation. Our investigations has shown that relatively many farmers in Western DunAintAol (Trans-Danubia) who already posses forests would be prepared to plant new forests on poor arable and grazing land in addition to plant cultivation and animal husbandry. Their final decision for going ahead depends on the extent of support. Farmers expect to receive in addition to the normative support for costs of plantation the usual European Union support, which compensates for the income from forested land lost for decades. As plantations of indigenous species are far more sensitive to damages by wild animals, their occurrence in the targeted proportion can only be increased if the large costs of damage control are carried on being listed for differential target support. A carefully considered construction of support system plays an increasingly important role; it is almost the last resort in these days for achieving the targets of Forestry Strategy. The forestation of poor arable and grazing land inevitably brings forward the problems of coupling agriculture and forestry activities within one enterprise. According to our studies due to changes in the technology of forest plantation and cultivation and the use special machinery, the balancing effects of seasonal work in plant cultivation and forestry hardly apply in these days. Further studies would be required to explore the scope for better utilization of human resources and enhancement of income in modern nature friendly forestry (for example, special forestry practices, leasing, village tourism, etc.).
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