Erysipelas-like cellulitis with Pasteurella multocida bacteremia after a cat bite.

A 73-year-old fe male pa tient pre sented with Pasteurella multocida ery sip e las-like cellulitis, bacteremia, and shock. The on set of the dis ease oc curred 24 h af ter a cat bit her to the right lower leg. Ini tially, the pic ture of bacteremia and shock de vel oped, with min i mal lo cal cellulitis. Pasteurella multocida grew in blood cul ture. A com bi na tion of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid was ther a peu ti cally suc cess ful in re spect that the signs of bacteremia and shock dis ap peared. How ever, ex ten sive ery sip e las-like cellulitis de vel oped on the bit ten leg within the next 2 days. The dis ease was ef fi c iently treated with pen i cil lin G com bined with netilmicin and ad min is tered for 10 days. This re port doc u ments the first case of Pasteurella multocida ery sip e las-like cellulitis with bacteremia and shock.
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