Infant-feeding practices and blood cholesterol levels.

T HE RELATIONSHIP of lipid metabolism, serum cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis is still unresolved. The clinical importance of quantitative and qualitative changes in dietary fat intake also remains unresolved. However, it has been shown that unsaturated fats added to the diet in sufficient proportions will lower serum cholesterol levels in ‘ Many well-qualified observers believe that serum cholesterol levels serve as an important index of atherogenicity. Holman’s investigations2 and those of other researchers over the world have indicated that atherogenesis is usually present during and after the third year of life. If this is true, and if serum cholesterol levels are important barometers of the degree of susceptibility to atherosclerotic changes, then lipid metabolism in infancy and childhood deserves intensive study. The present work was undertaken to determine serum lipid levels and the effect of various dietary changes on them in infants.
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