Integrated ExoMars PanCam, Raman, and close-up imaging field tests on AMASE 2009

Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition (AMASE) uses Mars analog field sites on the Arctic islands of Svalbard (Norway) for research within astrobiology and for testing of payload instruments onboard Mars missions Mars Science Laboratory, ExoMars and Mars Sample Return. AMASE 2009 marked the seventh consecutive year of field testing. Instrument shakedowns were arranged to mimic rover operations on Mars and included the panoramic camera (PanCam), mineraland organic chemistry sensors (Raman-LIBS) and ground penetrating radar (Wisdom) onboard ExoMars together with CheMin and SAM instruments onboard MSL and testing of sampling and caching protocols using JPL s Fido rover. Test sites included volcanic rocks within the Bockfjord Volcanic Complex (BVC) with carbonate deposits identical to those in ALH84001 and Carboniferous sandstones and paleosols at Ismasestranda.
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