A Model for Standardizing Manipulation Terminology in Physical Therapy Practice

Synopsis We propose describing a manipulative technique using 6 characteristics: Rate of force application: Describe the rate at which the force was applied. Location in range of available movement: Describe whether motion was intended to occur only at the beginning of the available range of movement, towards the middle of the available range of movement, or at the end point of the available range of movement. Direction of force: Describe the direction in which the therapist imparts the force. Target of force: Describe the location to which the therapist intended to apply the force. 5. Relative structural movement: Describe which structure or region was intended to remain stable and which structure or region was intended to move, with the moving structure or region being named first and the stable segment named second, separated by the word “on.” Patient position: Describe the position of the patient, for example, supine, prone, recumbent. This would include any premanipulative positioning of a region of ...
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