Rare Earth Elements in the Soil of Eastern Croatia

Elementi rijetkih zemalja cine skup od 17 slicnih kemijskih elemenata u periodnom sustavu elemenata, a njihova je primjena važna u energetskoj industriji, kemijskoj industriji, zdravstvu, zrakoplovstvu, obrani i poljoprivredi. Jedna je od posljedica njihove siroke upotrebe je i nagli porast njihovih koncentracija u okolisu. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti koncentracije: Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb i Lu u poljoprivrednim i nepoljoprivrednim tlima istocne Hrvatske. Srednja vrijednost zbroja elemenata rijetkih zemalja iznosila je od 4, 12 do 6, 83 mg kg-1 (poljoprivredne lokacije) i od 2, 24 do 5, 99 mg kg-1 (nepoljoprivredne lokacije). Nisu pronađene statisticki znacajne razlike u koncentracijama elemenata rijetkih zemalja između uzoraka tla prikupljanog sa poljoprivrednih lokacija i onoga sa lokacija koje nisu bile poljoprivredne. (Mann–Whitney U- test, p=0, 772). Utvrđeno je da su koncentracije elemenata rijetkih zemalja u tlu istocne Hrvatske slicne onima u europskim tlima. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da na koncentracije odabranih elemenata rijetkih zemalja u tlu Istocne Hrvatske nisu utjecale moguce antropogene aktivnosti, uzrokovane kontinuiranim dodavanjem elemenata rijetkih zemalja iz fosfatnih gnojiva. Rare earth elements (REEs) are a group of 17 chemical elements in the periodic table that are key to many industries including clean energy, chemicals, health care, aviation, defence transportation and agriculture. One of the consequences of their worldwide use is the increase of their concentrations in various environmental compartments. The aim of this study was to investigate the concentration of: Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu in the agricultural and non-agricultural soils of eastern Croatia. The average value of the sum of REE contents ranged from 4, 12 to 6, 83 mg kg-1 (agricultural locations) and from 2, 24 to 5, 99 mg kg-1 (non-agricultural locations). We did not find significant differences in rare earth elements concentrations in soil samples between agricultural and non-agricultural locations (Mann–Whitney U-test, p=0, 772). The REE concentrations for eastern Croatia soils are very similar to that of European soils. The obtained results reveal that current status of selected REE in eastern Croatia soils is not affected by intense anthropogenic activity caused by continuous additions of REE from phosphate fertilizers.
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