Design and Application of Innovative Multi-table and Bond Head Drive System on Thermal Compression Bonder with UPH Over 2000

A new, highly productive and accurate thermal compression bonder is presented. Overcoming the disparity between productivity and accuracy, we propose a multi-table and multi-bond head system utilizing gantries, including: a pipeline system to decrease total cooling time during TCB, a cancellation system for vibration during table motion, and a structure for high force bonding with accuracy appropriate for TCB. On a system containing 2 bond heads on 2 gantries, the total TCB process time applying the proposed pipeline system is decreased to 5.5sec, which is 33% higher productivity compared to series processing. By using a structure of separating the bonder base and moving axis, which functions as a cancellation system for vibration generated from the moving axis, no vibration propagates to the other moving axis, resulting that the system enables high speed operation to improve productivity. Typical systems which mount bonding heads on a gantry are constructed with a cantilever structure having advantages for the structure and light weight while having disadvantages for shifting placement position during high force bonding over 100N. To satisfy both placement accuracy and high force for TCB, a new system is designed which transfers high Z axis force to a separate upper structure, solving the inherent accuracy problems with cantilever systems. At 200N, the placement shifts are 1µm with the system and 12µm without it. By implementing the described functions, a productive and accurate TCB bonder is realized. In this paper, we report detailed experimental results for the functions. The potential of a new TCB bonder including these new functions will be demonstrated through bonding results.
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