Связь между местно-регионарными рецидивами и отдаленными метастазами рака молочной железы

Purpose. To study the relationship between postmastectomy locoregional recurrence and distant metastasis of breast cancer. Materials and Methods. A comparative analysis of two groups of patients was carried out: 67 patients with recurrent cancer (isolated+disseminated) and 377 patients. We studied recurrence risk factors: some features of the patients, the primary tumor and the nature of local treatment. Then we assessed the probability and risk of distant metastases. Results. Relapses, regardless of their type, was associated with the increased risk of distant metastases. We detected common risk factors for relapse, which were some features of the primary tumor. Radiation therapy had no effect on the incidence of distant metastases. Conclusions. The recurrence of breast cancer is likely to reflect the grade of malignancy of the primary tumor rather then it is the source of metastasis.
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