Exploiting social and local contexts propagation for inducing Chinese microblog-specific sentiment lexicons

Abstract Sentiment lexicons including opinion words, sentiment phrases, and idioms with sentiment polarities play an important role in sentiment analysis tasks. Apart from explicit sentiment features, extracting implicit sentiment features is a challenging research issue. The sentiment expression is very domain-specific, and constructing a general sentiment lexicon that is suitable for all domains is hard or even impossible. In this paper, we propose a novel sentiment unit context propagation framework to extract Chinese microblog-specific explicit and implicit sentiment features. In the process of the selection of seed sentiment units, we select the seed sentiment units that have a large standard degree of centrality with other units, and mark these units with sentiment labels using general sentiment lexicons and manual calibrations. To realize sentiment label propagation from a small amount of labeled sentiment units to unlabeled ones, we exploit local contexts, topic features, and so`cial relationships among users in microblog social networks. After that, the sentiment scores of units are calculated using unit context sentiment propagation. Experiments on two real-world microblog data sets demonstrate that our method can generate microblog-specific sentiment lexicons effectively. Furthermore, the sentiment classification accuracies significantly outperform state-of-the-art baselines.
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