Специфика психологического здоровья детей дошкольного возраста с различными индивидуально-типологическими особенностями

The purpose of this study was to identify the specific characters of the psychological health of preschool children according to their individual typological features. The following components were identified in the structure of mental health (according to O.V. Khu-khlaeva): self-acceptance and acceptance of others, self-understanding and understanding of others, self-control and self-development. We studied the following individual and typological characteristics: age, sex, functional asymmetry of brain, representative system, temperament. People under the test were divided into three groups according to the results of their psychological health research. The first group has the creative level of psychological health, the second one has the adaptive level and the third one has the maladaptive level. The results showed that compared to the others the greatest number of children in the early preschool age has the creative level of psychological health and the lowest number of children has the maladaptive level. Number of children with the creative level of psychological health is noticeably smaller in average preschool age. Number of children with maladaptive level grows. This situation is the same in older preschool age. Later in the article the results of the research are analyzed. Features of psychological health of preschool children with different types of temperament, the lateral profile and the leading representative system in dependence of the age and sex were studied on the basis of comparative analysis. In general, this research confirmed the hypothesis that the psychological health of preschool children with different individual and typological features has its own specifics. Preschool children with such individual and typological features as mixed type of functional brain asymmetry, kinesthetic representational system, and melancholic temperament can be attributed to risk group of mental health safety. It is required to arrange psychological work to preserve and strengthen the mental health of children of middle and senior school age with these individual and typological features.
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