Effect of ZR 515 on honey bee, Apis mellifera L.

Synthetic juvenile hormone analogue, ZR 515 (isopropyl-11-methoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,4-dodecadienoate) was topically applied to 3- and 5-day old worker honey bee larvae in the hive. About 55 to 70% of the hormone-treated larvae were removed from their brood cells one day after treatment. Formation of unusual shapes of abdomen, wings and wax glands were a consequence of hormone treatment. Malformed adults were 13 to 38.5% of the emerged adults. These deformities were concentration dependent and were much pronounced with the younger larvae. Zusammenfassung Zur Wirkung des Hormonoids ZR 515 auf die Honigbiene Apis mellifera L. Nach topicaler Applikation des synthetischen Juvenilhormon-Analogons ZR 515 (isopropyl-11-methoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,4-dodecadienoate) bei 3 und 5 Tage alten Arbeitsbienen-Larven im Stock traten bei 13 bis 38,5% der daraus hervorgehenden Bienen Deformierungen des Abdomens, der Flugel und Wachsdrusen auf. Sie waren von der Konzentration des Wirkstoffs abhangig und am ausgepragtesten nach Behandlung jungerer Larven.
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