Tuning the metal-insulator transition in epitaxial SrV O 3 films by uniaxial strain

Understanding of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in correlated transition-metal oxides is a fascinating topic in condensed matter physics and a precise control of such transitions plays a key role in developing novel electronic devices. Here we report an effective tuning of the MIT in epitaxial $\mathrm{SrV}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (SVO) films by expanding the out-of-plane lattice constant without changing in-plane lattice parameters, through helium ion irradiation. Upon increase of the ion fluence, we observe a MIT with a crossover from metallic to insulating state in SVO films. A combination of transport and magnetoresistance measurements in SVO at low temperatures reveals that the observed MIT is mainly ascribed to electron-electron interactions rather than disorder-induced localization. Moreover, these results are well supported by the combination of density functional theory and dynamical mean-field theory calculations, further confirming the decrease of the bandwidth and the enhanced electron-electron interactions resulting from the expansion of the out-of-plane lattice constant. These findings provide insights into the understanding of MIT in correlated oxides and perspectives for the design of unexpected functional devices based on strongly correlated electrons.
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