Epidemiologia tumorilor benigne şi maligne la copii în Republica Moldova (1 an de activitate-2020)

The work was carried out within the State Program (1 year of activity-2020); „Modern personalized surgery in the diagnosis and complex treatment of tumors in children” N. 20.80009.8007.06. Analyzing the statistical data during the first year of activity of the project were registered 777 children with tumors, of which 279 (35.2%) primary and 498 (64.8%) – secondary. Of the 777 children, 455 (58.5%) had benign tumors and 97 (12.4%) had malignancies, 231 (29.7%) patients underwent surgical treatment, 455 (58.5%) chemotherapeutic treatment, 13 (1.9%) radiotherapy. Since March 2020, we have been active under the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We have developed a special proce- dure for the prevention of coronavirus infection. The COVID-19 pandemic is a new situation, unprecedented for the whole world, with many unknowns, including for the field of Pediatric Oncology and Dental Surgery. First of all, we highlight the adult or child oncological ill patient – as an emergency patient, therefore, the child with the malignant tumor must be treated urgently. Therefore, the treatment of oncological ill patients was conditionaly devided into 3 groups. Group I – primary patients with a diagnosis of malignant tumor, histologically confirmed, who must undergo treat- ment. Postponing this treatment is more dangerous than coronavirus. The treatment should be conducted under pandemic conditions: at distance, using disinfectants, masks, visiting relatives prohibition. Group II – pediatric patients, who at the beginning of the pandemic were at the treatment stage (chemo- or radiother- apy). If the concrete situation allows, the treatment continues. Hormone injection therapy can be performed at home by the specialized team (doctor and nurse). Group III – consisting of children – patients, who have undergone treatment and currently have no signs of disease, but require monitoring. These patients must be in quarantine. Oncological ill patients are considered to have compromised immunity. In adolescent and children, immunity is rela- tively good if there are no serious diseases such as systemic diseases. The tactics must be personalized, strictly individual. During 2020 we performed 3 types of surgical interventions in pediatric oncology: typical surgeries, enlarged surger- ies, combined surgeries
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