Psychological comorbidity and quality of life of patients with morbid obesity and requesting gastric banding

UNLABELLED: Bariatric surgical operations are well established in the treatment of morbid obesity. In this study, 79 consecutive applicants for laparoscopic gastric banding (60 females with a mean BMI of 47.4 kg/m2 and 19 males with a mean BMI of 48.9 kg/m2, mean age 39.6 years) were examined preoperatively by structured psychiatric interview and questionnaire. GOAL AND QUESTIONS: The aim of the study was to determine physical and psychological symptoms, specific eating problems, life satisfaction and incidence of psychiatric comorbidity, as well as the relations between psychological and psychosocial markers on the one hand, and demographic and somatic parameters on the other. RESULTS: Most patients displayed multiple somatic symptoms and diseases, in particular orthopaedic problems, exertion dyspnoea, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus or sleep apnoea. The averages of all psychometric scales (General Symptomatic Index of Symptom Checklist [SCL-90-R], anxiety and depression states of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [HADS]) were higher than normal. General life satisfaction and satisfaction with health (FLZM) were low. Eating behaviour in both sexes was characterised by marked irritability, disinhibition and ravenousness. Binge eating was common, 27% reporting binges at least weekly and only 37% no binges at all. 46% were found to suffer from at least one psychiatric disorder, while half had an eating disorder with frequent bingeing and loss of control. 6.3% were diagnosed with atypical bulimia, 15.2% had an adaptational disorder and 10% a personality disorder. The HADS scales did not correlate with BMI or other somatic factors and the correlation between the SCL-90-R and BMI was low (r = 0.36, p = 0.01). However, patients with psychiatric disorders had significantly higher BMIs and higher averages on all scales except overall life satisfaction. There was no direct relation between psychosocial and sociodemographic variables (educational level, living alone). CONCLUSION: Morbidly obese patients desiring laparoscopic gastric banding display many physical and psychological symptoms with a higher preference for psychiatric (especially eating) disorders. Since there is no close relationship between psychosocial and somatic aspects in this group of patients, routine psychiatric evaluation appears to be of importance.
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