Evidence from achondrites for a temporal change in Nd nucleosynthetic anomalies within the first 1.5 million years of the inner solar system formation

Abstract Heterogeneity in isotopic compositions within the protoplanetary disc has been demonstrated for a number of elements measured in extra-terrestrial materials, mostly based on chondrite meteorite analyses. However, precise 182Hf-182W and 26Al-26Mg ages of iron meteorites, achondrites, and chondrules show that chondrites accreted later than achondrites and therefore do not strictly represent the early ( μ 145 Nd μ 148 Nd μ i Nd) compared to NC chondrites (2.7 μ 145 Nd μ 148 Nd μ 145 Nd and μ 148 Nd compared to early-formed NC achondrites. Unlike chondrites, the Nd anomalies in achondrites are not correlated to the heliocentric distance of accretion of their respective parent bodies as inferred from redox conditions. Chronological constraints on planetesimal accretion suggest that Nd (and other elements such as Mo and Zr) nucleosynthetic compositions of the inner part of the protoplanetary disc significantly changed around 1.5 Ma after Solar System formation due to thermal processing of dust in the protoplanetary disc. This relatively late event coincides with the beginning of chondrule formation or at least their preservation. Terrestrial planets formed subsequently by a complex accretion regime during several million years. Therefore, two scenarios are envisioned considering the reported Nd isotope composition of early planetesimals: 1) Terrestrial planets accreted mostly chondritic material similar in composition to enstatite chondrites, or 2) early planetesimals constitute substantial parts of terrestrial planets building blocks mixed with highly thermally processed material enriched in s-process, still unsampled by meteorites.
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