Wegener's granulomatosis--clinical analysis of 18 patients group.

: In observed, during 15 years group, of 18 patients with established Wegener's granulomatosis WG diagnosis, important is period of time from onset of the manifestations to WG diagnosis--very diversified, between 3 to 96 months and heterogenerosity of clinical manifestations during establishing of the diagnosis. Separated from clinical and histopathological features in most of the patients the presence of the titre of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) in blood serum examinations was established--75% among 16 observed patients in whom such examination was possible to perform. There was no significant correlation between ANCA titre and prognosis of the WG course. Most of the patients developed upper respiratory tract, ears, lungs and kidney disease involvement. Cyclophosphamide (CF) and prednisolone (P) treatment improves clinical remission in most of the patients (88.8%) and possibility of the course of the disease control. However often recurrences are observed (50%) and side effects due to the long term CF and P treatment (60%). 38.8% of patients achieve long term remission of the manifestations. 3 deaths of WG patients were observed during that period. Patients require during treatment close collaboration and careful periodical control of treatment.
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