How to Manage Triquetrum and Hamate Fractures in Unusual Patterns: A Case Report

The 3-dimensional alignment of the carpal bones should be intact to ensure functional integrity of the hand. The treatment of fractures of the carpal bones is challenging and may differ according to localization. A patient with closed carpal injury and his treatment are presented in this report. After his wrist was crushed between a smooth hammer and a workbench during an occupational accident, the patient had multiple carpal bone fractures and remarkable swelling. The type of the injury was regarded to be a sort of capitate-hamate diastasis, although it did not correspond to any type that had been previously described. The clinical result was good, and the patient completely recovered. Ozet: Elin fonksiyonel butunlu¤u icin karpal kemiklerin uc boyutlu diziliminin salam olmas› gerekir. Karpal kemik k›r›klar›n›n tedavisi zordur ve lokalizasyona gore farkl›l›klar gosterebilir. Bu yaz›da kapal› karpal yaralanmas› olan hasta ve tedavisi sunulmaktad›r. El bileinin, bir ifl kazas› s›ras›nda ors ile balyoz aras›nda s›k›flmas› sonucu hastan›n el bileinde coklu karpal k›r›kla beraber, belirgin flifllik oluflmufltur. Yaralanman›n tipi bir ceflit capito-hamat diastaz olmakla beraber daha once tan›mlanm›fl s›n›flardan birine uymamaktad›r. Klinik sonuc iyi olup hasta yaralanmadan onceki hayat›na tamamen donmufltur.
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