Forecasting US NASDAQ stock index values using hybrid forecasting systems

Capability to predict precise future stock values is the most important factor in financial market to make profit. Because of virtual trading, now a day this market has turn into one of the hot targets where any person can earn profit. Thus, predicting the correct future value of a stock has become an area of hot interest. This paper attempt to forecast NASDAQ stock index values using novel hybrid forecasting models based on widely used soft computing models and time series models. The daily historical US NASDAQ closing stock index for the periods of 08 February 1971 to 24 July 2015 is used and is applied our proposed hybrid forecasting models to see whether considered forecasting models can closely forecast daily NASDAQ stock index values. Mean absolute error and root mean square error between observed and predicted NASDAQ stock index are considered as evaluation criterions. The result is compared on the basis of selected individual forecasting time series model and individual soft computing forecasting models and the proposed hybrid forecasting models. Our experimental evidences show that the proposed hybrid back-propagation artificial neural network and genetic algorithm forecasting model has outperformed as compare to other considered forecasting models for forecasting daily US NASDAQ stock index. We trust that daily US NASDAQ stock index forecasts will be notice for a number of spectators who wish to construct strategies about this index.
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