Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 in Fujian Province, China

Epidemiological characteristics of coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) were described and in FuJian to provide evidence for prevention and control All COVID-19 cases from FuJian reported as of February 21, 2020 were extracted from Chinese Infectious Disease Detection Report Information system Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the characteristics of cases, including examination of age distributions and sex ratios, time and geographical distributions, and the clustering features Until February 21, 2020, a total of 298 patient: including records-293(98 3%) confirmed cases, 2(0 7%) suspected cases, and 3 asymptomatic cases (1 0%)-were analyzed One deaths occurred among confirmed cases for a case fatality rate of 0 3% The majority of confirmed cases were common pneumonia, with a total of 199 cases, accounting for 67 9% Among confirmed cases, most were aged 25-54 years (67 9%), and the ratio of males to females is 1 22 to 1 In addition to PingTan, cases were found in all the other 9 cities, mainly in FuZhou (71 cases, 24 2%), PuTian (55 cases,18 8%) and QuanZhou (46 cases, 15 7%) By the statistics of county (city, district) distribution, 27 counties (city, district) have not reported confirmed cases A total of 50 clusters involving 177 cases have been reported Most cases in Fujian had a history of travel to or residence in other provinces, and the imported cases are mainly young and middle-aged, while the local cases are mainly middle-aged and elderly Confirmed cases haved been reported in all cities except Pingtan The prevalence curve of imported cases was consistent with that of people returning to Fujian, and the prevalence of local cases was one week later than that of imported cases Clusters, mainly family clusters had been reported in all cities
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