Population structure and genome-wide association in the malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii

Despite successes in the use of insecticides in the control of malaria, malaria transmission continues in much of sub-saharan Africa. The search for novel methods of control (in particular genetic modification of vector populations), or of superior implementation of the currently available methods will require both greater knowledge of the population structure of the mosquito, and of the immune processes that are important in the wild. It is important to note that the mapping of novel immune genes, via genome wide association studies (GWAS) is predicated on a firm understanding of the population structure.My thesis will include a detailed description of the mosquito innate immune system based on current research and comparative genomics; this will illustrate the major pathways that might be employed in the anti-malarial response, and some potential uncharacterised genes that might be implicated in any GWAS study. It will also include a summary of what is known about the mosquito’s population structure, in particular the gambiae / coluzzii speciation event and the implication of chromosomal inversions in the speciation process.I will present the development of a novel approach to the identification of chromosomal inversions; using machine-learning techniques in order to call inversion karyotypes directly from sequence, leading to calls of unprecedented accuracy.I will also present the first truly genome-wide association study to have been performed in the mosquito. Strata-controlled populations of mosquitoes were derived from the wild, including restriction on the basis of subspecies and chromosomal inversion. A two-stage mapping design was then devised in which loss-of-heterozygosity is used to identify broad regions in phenotype pools, before fine-resolution mapping by Sequenom genotyping in individuals. This was used to identify a novel locus with a phenotypic effect on infection prevalence.Finally I will describe how these techniques and findings could be important in the future application of genetic control in the wild.
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