Applying CBR algorithm for cyber infringement profiling system

ABSTRACT Nowadays, web defacement becomes the utmost threat which can ha rm the target organization's image and reputation. These defacement activities reflect the hacker's political motivation or his tendency. Therefore, the analysis of the hacker‘s activities can give the decisive clue to pursue criminals. A specific message or photo or music on the defaced web site and the outcome of analysis will be supplying some decisive clues t o track down criminals. The encoding method or used fonts of the remained hacker’s messages, and hacker’s SNS ID such as Twitter or Facebook ID also can help for tracking hackers information. In this paper, we implemented the web defacement a nalysis system by applying CBR algorithm. The implemented system extracts the features from the web defacement cases on This paper will be useful to understand the hacker’s purpose and to plan countermeasures as a IDSS(Investigation Det ection Support System).Keywords: Cyber Genome, Web Defacement, CBR, Profiling, Incident Response 접수일(2013년 6월 3일), 수정일(1차: 2013년 10월 1일, 2차: 2013년 10월 28일), 게재확정일(2013년 10월 29일)* 본 연구는 미래창조과학부 및 정보통신산업진흥원의 IT융합 고급인력과정 지원사업의 연구결과로 수행되었음(NIPA-2013-H0301-13-3007).* 본 연구는 ETRI부설국가보안기술연구소의 연구지원으로 수행되었음.†주저자,‡교신저자, (Corresponding author)
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