A Pulsed Detonation Based Multimode Engine Concept

Abstract A novel multi-mode implementation of pulseddetonation engines is investigated in this paper. Thevarious modes in this proposed concept are (asillustrated in Fig. [1]):(1) An ejector augmented pulse detonation rocket fortake off to moderate supersonic Mach numbers(2) A pulsed normal detonation wave mode atcombustion chamber Mach numbers less than theChapman-Jouguet Mach number,(3) An oblique detonation wave mode of operation forMach numbers in the airbreathing regime that arehigher than the Chapman-Jouguet Mach number,and(4) A pure Pulsed Detonation Rocket (PDR) mode ofoperation at high altitude.These various modes utilize a single flow path, inwhich an array of detonation tubes is placed. Frompresent considerations, 10 tubes will be placed acrossthe width of the engine, which fire sequentially in sucha manner as to make the maximum use of the incomingair mass and provide the smoothest possible operationof the device. These tubes could alternately be arrangedas load bearing struts that are embedded with rocketchambers. The advantage of such a mode is that a largerexhaust area is available for these tubes when operatingin the rocket mode and mixing properties are enhancedin the other modes when these tubes are used for fuelinjection alone.
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