Review of cucumber fruit fly, Bactrocera cucumis (French) (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae): Part 2, biology, ecology and control in Australia

Abstract Bactrocera cucumis is one of many fruit fly species of concern for Australia's international trade partners. This species is one of the lesser known native fruit flies in Australia and its distribution and hosts have been reviewed. Eggs are larger than in most other species with a short hatching period. The adults and larvae are also larger than most other Australian fruit flies. Adults are long lived and have a high rate of reproduction. Stridulation and pheromones appear not to be used in the mating process. Adults can be managed using a range of measures including chemosterilants, the sterile insect technique and chemical sprays. Produce can be disinfested using a range of post-harvest treatments. Current export protocols include hot air and chilling treatments, irradiation, methyl bromide fumigation and winter window.
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