Origin of the (31) P MR signal at 5.3 ppm in patients with critical limb ischemia.

An unknown intense signal (Pun ) with a mean chemical shift of 5.3 ppm was observed in (31) P MR spectra from the calf muscles of patients with the diabetic foot syndrome. The aim of the study was to identify the origin of this signal and its potential as a biomarker of muscle injury. Calf muscles of 68 diabetic patients (66.3 +/- 8.6 years; body mass index = 28.2 +/- 4.3 kg/m(2) ) and 12 age-matched healthy controls were examined by (dynamic) (31) P MRS (3 T system, (31) P/(1) H coil). Phantoms (glucose-1-phosphate, Pi and PCr) were measured at pH values of 7.05 and 7.51. At rest, Pun signals with intensities higher than 50% of the Pi intensity were observed in 10 of the 68 examined diabetic subjects. We tested two hypothetical origins of the Pun signal: (1) phosphorus from phosphoesters and (2) phosphorus from extra- and intracellular alkaline phosphate pools. 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and glucose-1-phosphate are the only phosphoesters with signals in the chemical shift region close to 5.3 ppm. Both compounds can be excluded: 2,3-diphosphoglycerate due to the missing second signal component at 6.31 ppm; glucose-1-phosphate because its chemical shifts are about 0.2 ppm downfield from the Pi signal (4.9 ppm). If the Pun signal is from phosphate, it represents a pH value of 7.54 +/- 0.05. Therefore, it could correspond to signals of Pi in mitochondria. However, patients with critical limb ischemia have rather few mitochondria and so the Pun signal probably originates from interstitia. Our data suggest that the increased Pun signal observed in patients with the diabetic foot syndrome is a biomarker of severe muscular damage.
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