Influence of Levels of Metabolisable Protein in the Ration on Nutrient Utilization and Lactation Performance in Murrah Buffaloes

The present study was conducted to ascertain the effects of feeding varying levels of metabolisable protein on the nutrient utilization and production performance in Murrah buffaloes. Sixteen Murrah buffaloes in advanced stage of pregnancy (40–50 d before parturition) were divided into 3 groups on the basis of most probable production ability (MPPA) and lactation number. Duration of feeding trial was 130 days (40 days pre-partum to 90 days post-partum period. The animals were fed 3 different diets as low metabolizable protein (LMP), medium metabolizable protein (MMP) and high metabolizable protein (HMP) at MP levels of 85, 100 and 115% of ICAR (2013) recommendations, respectively, however, the diets had similar metabolisable energy (ME) content. The intakes of DM, ME and TDN were similar in all the experimental groups. The CP and MP intakes before and after calving were higher (P<0.05) in HMP followed by MMP and LMP groups. The digestibility of DM, OM, EE, NDF and ADF was similar in 3 groups whereas the digestibility of CP was higher (P<0.05) in HMP compared to LMP groups. Milk yield efficiency (kg/kg DMI), 6% FCM and FCM production efficiency were lower on feeding low MP diet. There was no significant change in the concentrations of β-HBA, glucose and IGF-1 on varying MP intake. Hence, feeding 75% lower MP than ICAR, 2013 recommendation in the ration decreased milk production and CP digestibility.
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