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B. Autogobierno y virtud cívica

espanolEn el contexto del autogobierno y de la libertad como ausencia de interferencia arbitraria, se examina el concepto de esfera publica, que es el marco donde se instaura la ley como instrumento y garantia de civilidad, en consonancia con las tradiciones e instituciones politicas compartidas y reconocidas Asimismo, partiendo de la nocion de ciudadania, elemento fundamental sobre el que el republicanismo vertebra su concepcion de la politica y de la comunidad, se analiza la virtud civica, atributo republicano imprescindible que ha de poseer el ciudadano para comprometerse activamente con el interes general, para a continuacion senalar diversos modos de entenderla a traves del tiempo, indicando las aportaciones que sobre esta disposicion politica han realizado distintos pensadores republicanos. EnglishI examine the concept of public sphere in connection to self-government and freedom understood as the absence of arbitrary interference. The public sphere is the framework where law functions to guarantee civility, and becomes articulated with shared and recognized political traditions and institutions. Likewise, I examine civic virtue taking the concept of citizenship as starting point (which in turn lays as the basis of the republican conception of politics and community). Firstly, I theorize civic virtue as a republican attribute that citizens must possess in order to actively commit themselves to the general interest. Then, I discuss different ways of understanding civic virtue over time, and the contributions to the debate of key republican thinkers.
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