[Periodic decerebrate spasm with ocular dipping, Cheyne-Stokes respiration and hypersympathetic activity].

: Decerebrate spasm is a generalized muscular spasm produced by some stimuli on decerebrate posture. Such spasm are called "tonic fit" or "decerebrate extensor spasm". We reported a 50-year-old man with periodic decerebrate spasm after cerebral hemorrhage. On admission, the patient was comatose. The pupils were round but anisocoric and did not react to light. Corneal reflexes were absent. The face, arms, and legs did not move voluntarily. Two weeks after admission, he was found in decerebrate rigidity. Periodic decerebrate spasms were also observed and were accompanied by ocular dipping. Cheyne-Stokes respiration, and hypersympathetic activity (transiently dilated pupils, hypertension, tachycardia). These symptoms persisted for two months and were induced by painful or sonic stimuli and suppressed by sleep, sedative or antiedematous drugs. The cycle was 0.6 approximately 0.7 per minute in accord with that of Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an area of low signal intensity in the midbrain to the bottom of the pons caused by the tentorial herniation on T1-weighted images. From the the clinical features and results of MRI studies, we considered that dysfunction of the midbrain to the pons in addition to diffuse cerebral dysfunction played some role in the manifestation of periodic decerebrate spasm with ocular dipping.
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