Analisis Desain Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Kredit di Lembaga Perkreditan Desa Adat Petang

LPD is a village-owned bank, LPD Petang village currently has several products such as savings, credit and deposits. Credit becomes an attractive product because it has a strategy and has several advantages such as, close location and community proximity factor with the institution of his own village. Increasing credit demands and limited capital to be distributed requires an informed decision to choose who is eligible to receive credit. Computer applications are very forthcoming in the management of the work of the plays including in LPD owned by Petang Village. Improved Technology and various fields of artificial intelligence, one of which is a profile matching method that can be used to determine the alternative of a number of options that exist based on advantage  and weaknesses owned by each customer. The expected long-term goal of this research is that the LPD of Indigenous Village that can assists the decision of credit and transparently. A SDLC development is planning, analysis, design and implementation. Finally is to create an interactive design system so convenient to use by the user in the work.
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