The Pacific Northwest Laboratory Minicomputer Network.

The Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) uses a multitude of minicomputers for real-time data acquisition, data reduction and analysis, graphics, data base management, and time-sharing. Applications include a wide range of scientific and administrative disciplines. As in any institution where multiple computing facilities exist, there comes a time when a data communication network ceases to be a luxury and becomes a necessity. Computer systems engineers at PNL have been considering the networking problem. This paper describes the network being developed at PNL. The network is called ''BATNET.'' BATNET employs broadcast communication over a shared communication channel and carrier-sense-multiple-access (CSMA) protocol. CSMA protocol has been implemented in software. The computer interfaces perform necessary CSMA logical functions such as busy detection, collision detection, and timing for retransmission scheduling. The present BATNET configuration has five stations, all PDP-11's. However, it can be implemented for virtually unlimited stations and on other manufacturer's mini/microcomputers. The BATNET protocol can be implemented on any minicomputer with 8- or 16-bit integer data modes. Low-level input/output handlers should be written in machine-dependent assembly language or in higher-level system languages when they are available. Most high-level system routines will be written in system-independent FORTRAN IV to maintain source program transportability. Themore » present plans call for multiple local networks tied together through dedicated relay stations with gateway processors for offsite data communication. BATNET uses electronic transceivers and 75-ohm coaxial transmission line. Future development will consider the use of fibre-optical devices, microwave, and vhf/uhf short-range radio.« less
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