[The effect of a restriction of the feed intake on the composition of the blood and on the development and composition of different tissues of sheep during growth. 2. The development of different tissues and the concentration of protein, DNA and RNA].

: The concentration of protein in the cerebrum of sheep after a period of feed restriction (group 2) was lower (94.5 +/- 10.2) than in normally fed sheep of group 4 (101.4 +/- 9.4 mg/g wet weight). In the group 2 the concentration of protein in the M. longissimus dorsi and in the M. semimembranosus was also smaller. A high DNA-concentration was determined in the intestinal lymph nodes, in the spleen and in the lung. The DNA-concentration of the testes of group 2 (7.17 +/- 2.92) was higher than that of the group 4 (4.46 +/- 1.70 mg/g w. w.), also that of the renal fat tissue (0.39 +/- 0.18 resp. 0.20 +/- 0.09). The highest protein: DNA-relation in group 4 was found in the fat tissue (203.5: 1) and the lowest in the spleen (15.3: 1). A high RNA-concentration was analysed in the lymph nodes, in the spleen and in the lung. The RNA-concentration in the fat tissue of group 2 (0.34 +/- 0.13) was higher that that in group 4 (0.15 +/- 0.08 mg/g w. w.).
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