Die Vakuumversiegelungstechnik Ein neues Verfahren zur Deckung von Weichteildefekten, vorgestellt am Beispiel eines Leiomyosarkoms

Abstract The vacuum sealing technique is a new, simple to use procedure for traumatic and chronic soft tissue defects, burns and soft tissue infections. We used this technique for the first time for temporary closure after the resection of deep infiltrating leiomyosarcoma. Radical excision of the tumor with partial resection of the forearm flexor muscles and safety margin of 3 cm led to a large skin defect (12 x 16 cm). For temporary closure of this defect we used the vacuum sealing technique for 7 days. Because of histologically proven incomplete resection of the tumor, we did a second excision and used the vacuum sealing technique a second time for 7 days. After this time period the granulation of the wound ground was excellent, and we closed the defect by split skin transplantation from the thigh. Bacterial infection or other complications were not seen during use of vacuum sealing technique. The vacuum sealing technique induced optimal local conditions for skin grafting: it facilitated granulation tissue production and maintained a clean wound bed without the necessity of changing wound dressing before skin grafting. This technique is painless and does not impair mobility.
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