Turbine expander units for cooling and liquefaction of natural gas.

According to estimations of the World Power Agency, natural gas now is the most rapidly growing part in the global consumption of energy sources. For the period 1991 to 2001, its consumption increased roughly 400 bln. m3 (from 2007.2 to 2404.9 bln. m3). According to the agency experts, this growth will continue and the share of natural gas in global energy balance can double. The global market for liquefied natural gas (LNG) is growing as well, and its share in world trading in methane in 2001 was about 26-30% in accordance with data of the BP Statistical Review of World Energy. In 1994, the trading volume of LNG was 87.9 bln. m3. In 1997, this figure had increased to 110.32 bln. m3 and in 2000 to 136.38 bln. m3. In 2001, the sales volume had increased only 2.9% in comparison with the previous year (for example the growth in 2000 was 11.9%). The total sales volume was around 147 bln. m3. The analysts explain deceleration of the growth rate by the drop in business activity in the light of the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001. Over the past five years, the geography of LNG world trade has changed considerably. In the mid-nineties, the common global market of liquefied methane did not exist in the strict sense. The business was realized on two closed markets limited by the basins of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Now these borders are practically erased.
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