Big Data Platform for Educational Analytics

Huge amounts of educational data are being produced, and a common challenge that many educational organizations confront, is finding an effective method to harness and analyze this data for continuously delivering enhanced education. Nowadays, the educational data is evolving and has become large in volume, wide in variety and high in velocity. This produced data needs to be handled in an efficient manner to extract value and make informed decisions. For that, this paper confronts such data as a big data challenge and presents a comprehensive platform tailored to perform educational big data analytical applications. Further, present an effective environment for non-data scientists and people in the educational sector to apply their demanding educational big data applications. The implementation stages of the educational big data platform on a cloud computing platform and the organization of educational data in a data lake architecture are highlighted. Furthermore, two analytical applications are performed to test the feasibility of the presented platform in discovering knowledge that potentially promotes the educational institutions.
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