A contribuição de um serviço de apoio técnico e científico no ambiente hospitalar

The Scientific and Technical Support Section (ASTEC) of Hospital da Mulher Prof. Dr. Jose Aristodemo Pinotti - Caism was created in 1989 with the mission of advising professors and post-graduation students from FCM's Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in didactic-scientific issues; create educational, informative, administrative materials, reports and other products for Caism Boards and Divisions; as well as photographing scientific-medical concern occurrences and events held at the Hospital. The team is made up of 01 Portuguese proofreader, 01 photographer, 02 graphic designers and 01 librarian. The purposes are: to present how the Section administrates its demand and promote the work performed by the employees. The services requested to ASTEC are managed by the form "Product and Service Request", made available at the Hospital website, and when is protocolled at the Section, receives a sequential number. A request can be performed by more than one employee. With the protocol number, it is possible to map which areas requested the services, the demands requested and for which purpose (Academic, Administrative or Assistance) the work was developed. This method helps on identifying the services or products requested, the employees involved in the execution of each service, deadlines and service time. In 2015, there were 281 Product and Service Requests, as as a result, we obtained 264 completed, 07 with the requesters, 03 in execution, 02 waiting for execution and 05 canceled, which shows the amount of works requested to the Section, but does not measure the complexity of each one of them, being also a challenge to the manager and team.
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