Evaluation of AIRS, IASI, and OMI ozone profile retrievals in the extratropical tropopause region using in situ aircraft measurements

[1] We evaluate ozone profile retrievals from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) using in situ measurements collected on board the NSF/NCAR Gulfstream-V aircraft during the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 (START08) experiment. The focus of this study is to examine how well the satellite retrieval products capture the ozone gradients and variability in the extratropical upper troposphere lower stratosphere (UTLS). The AIRS retrieval examined is version 5, while IASI and OMI retrievals are research products. All satellite instruments show excellent ability in capturing synoptic-scale ozone gradients associated with strong potential vorticity (PV) gradients. The positive ozone-PV correlation near the tropopause is also well represented in the satellite data in comparison to collocated aircraft measurements. During aircraft cruise legs, more than 90% of collocated satellite retrievals agree with aircraft measurements within ±50% for ozone mixing ratios greater than 200 ppbv. Below 200 ppbv, AIRS and IASI retrievals show significant positive biases, while OMI shows both positive and negative biases. Ozone gradients across the tropopause are well-captured, with median values within 30% (positive for AIRS and IASI, negative for OMI) and variances within ±50%. Ozone variability in the UTLS is captured by the satellite retrievals at the 80% level. In the presence of high clouds, however, the infrared retrievals show the largest positive biases. Despite the limited vertical information content, the high horizontal coverage and long-term data availability make these satellite data sets a valuable asset for UTLS research.
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