Por uma agricultura contra-hegemônica: a função social das escolas no território camponês de Restinga Seca, RS

Agroecological production, respect for biodiversity and the social value of land as a common good for all humanity, undergo counter-hegemonic education. The policies of the globalized agricultural model affect the places and territories of peasant life and have deterritorialized countless rural schools and their subjects in Brazil. The purpose of this text is to socialize a study on the relationship between agribusiness and the deterritorialization of rural schools in the municipality of Restinga Seca, Rio Grande do Sul. In a qualitative approach, the analysis used field research, based on in theorists who criticize agribusiness and, consequently, the socioeconomic and cultural problems experienced by the peasantry. The territorialization of rural schools and their social function is essential to the emancipation of subjects through education for a counter-hegemonic, viable and sustainable agriculture. We defend the recognition and expansion of the peasant epistemological territory as a form of resistance and emancipation.
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