Dyslipidaemias are some of the most frequent metabolic diseases encountered in medical practice. Due to the increasing number of patients suffering from dyslipidaemia, its treatment is frequently on medical prescriptions presented to pharmacies. It was analysed a volume of 360 of patients and THEIR medical prescriptions provided by 12 pharmacies from Cluj-Napoca during the year 2010. The drugs most frequently prescribed in the treatment of some forms of dyslipidaemia have been the following: Simvastatin ® 10, Simvastatin ® 20, Simvastatin ® 40, Rosuvastatin ® 5, Rosuvastatin ® 10, Rosuvastatin ® 20, Atorvastatin ® 10, Atorvastatin ® 20, Atorvastatin ® 40, Fenofibrat ® 160, Omacor ® . All patients considered, who has been administered one of these drugs, were chosen so that to respect the homogeneity on each age category, namely, the age’s interval is quite symmetrically comparing to the average age. The aim of this paper was to find the most frequently prescribed drug for dyslipidaemia. Also, the median differences between the younger and older groups were tested for statistical significance using the Mann-Whitney test. In order to test the effect of medical treatment on 12 subgroups corresponding to the period of time studied, namely, on 12 months, a Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test was used. Rezumat Dislipidemiile reprezintă unele dintre cele mai frecvente boli metabolice intâlnite in practica medicală. Datorită cresterii numărului de pacienţi având dislipidemie, tratamentul asociat acesteia se intâlneste frecvent in prescripţiile medicale prezentate la farmacii. S-a analizat un volum de 360 de pacienţi, respectiv de prescripţii medicale provenite de la 12 farmacii din Cluj-Napoca, pe perioada anului 2010. Medicamentele cele mai frecvent indicate in tratarea câtorva forme de dislipidemie au fost: Simvastatin ® 10, Simvastatin ® 20, Simvastatin ® 40, Rosuvastatin ® 5, Rosuvastatin ® 10, Rosuvastatin ® 20, Atorvastatin ® 10, Atorvastatin ® 20, Atorvastatin ® 40, Fenofibrat ® 160, Omacor ® . Pacienţii care au utilizat unul din aceste medicamente, au fost selectaţi astfel incât să respecte omogenitatea pe fiecare categorie de vârstă, si anume, intervalul vârstei pacienţilor este aproximativ simetric comparativ cu vârsta medie. Scopul lucrării de faţă a fost de a stabili care e medicamentul cel mai prescris pentru tratarea dislipidemiei. De asemenea, s-a evaluat diferența medianelor (testul MannWhitney) intre grupurile formate sub si peste media de vârstă. Pentru a testa efectul tratamentului medicamentos pentru cele 12 esantioane corespunzătoare celor 12 luni de studiu, s-a folosit o analiză neparametrică multifactorială.
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